The VII Sounds
Part I of this collection is called the VII Sounds. Departing from pastels, Lorrie created these pieces using clay. There are seven sculptures in total created from 2013-2015.

About the VII Sounds
I have no formal training as an artist or sculpture but through my love of Nature and Stillness and my desire to know the truth that I have been led to express my findings through art and sculpture. My first body of sculpture commenced in November 2012. With great reverence and humility I present this first body of work to you. “The Return of the Gods” incorporating the VII Heads of God. The Corpus Christi and The VII Sounds that Sound the Sound of Creation”. When one desires to know the Truth by journeying within, one may come to know the great and holy mysteries and create that which has not already been created.
Lorrie's message sculpting the VII Sounds
“For it is the Sound of Stillness within Nature that captures the very essence of my soul.” - Lorraine Coffey
It calls me to go, to delve deeper and deeper within myself. To uncover the Truth of who I am. Not only to experience that which exists outside of me but more importantly that which exists deep within me…so that I and the Truth of my being may be the “cause” of what I experience in the world. And in turn, my unfolding may inspire others to explore and unfold the truth and beauty of who they truly are. The Gift of Life is not only to experience the material but to go within and uncover the limitless spirit that we each are. And it is through the melody of Nature and its perfection that one may traverse the doorway of the soul and enter into the expansiveness of existence. For it is the space of stillness and weightlessness, between spirit and matter, that we may experience timelessness and become one with the creative force.
For inquiries about Lorrie's sculptures or to purchase, please reach out via our contact us form.